Development Notes

Concept Statement

lofi beats to listen to while getting possessed is a game that visualizes the thought process, and give a surreal twist on the mundane act of studying. I wanted to gameify something that would be completely opposite to the traditional expectations for a shooter game.

Production Process

In my initial iteration, I worked mostly on figuring out how emotions would be reflected- would it all be contained within one level, and be represented by different waves? Or would it be level by level? Attempted a wave based line of attack, but stuck to random instantiation instead. Additionally, I reworked workflow to focus on getting the mechanics and coding done.

In my final, I worked out UI kinks, and made sure that everything was functional. I also created paintings that were meant to be animated in After Effects, but scrapped the idea- at this stage, I had learned how to let go of things if they don’t work. I also polished up some basic exiting functions, starting, restarting and other UI bits.

Setbacks I ended up not having the time to create more interesting AI behavior, as I had gotten stuck on something else in a very early stage. I had attempted to create a wave attack based AI, but ended up spending way too much time attempting to figure something out that ultimately had to be scrapped in the end. I learned that you have to plan your time accordingly, and understand warning signs as to when to move on.

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